Monday, January 16, 2023

Davos's Back Story


Davos - Githyanki, Artificer

Page 87 of Mordekianen's Tome of the Foes - Gith and Their Endless War:

When your character was very young, they underwent unrelenting instruction. Being slightly smaller and not as strong as your fellow loyalists,  the 'Instructors' would force you to fight other students. At first the fights would end with the first wound, but then later it was to the death...

With these battles, you learned your touch with Magic. In which you constructed a small metal catapult. A device easily hidden on your wrist. A device that appeared to be just a simple bracelet as jewelry, not a weapon that could be used in combat. With the bracelet during these fights you would use it to stun your opponent, giving you an easy chance then to take them out.

From page 11 of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything:  You gave your bracelet the magical property of: A static visual effect appears on one of the object's surfaces. This effect can be a picture, up to 25 words of text, lines and shapes, or a mixture of these elements, as you like.

Here the magic applied to the bracelet was that when you used the catapult of it, no one would notice at all, as if you simply flicked your wrist, or drove you fist into the side in an odd way..

Finally, on the morning of the day you were to be expected to complete initial training to prove you were completely loyal to Vlaakith. On that day you were to be assigned with a group of students, and go on a mission to kill a Mind Flayer. While you were lying in bed, a group of Elite Warriors woke you up by grabbing you, put a bag over your head, and snuck you out of the dormitories.

It was pitch black in the cloth bag they put over your head. It felt like a full day of being dragged around..

Finally, when they took the hood off your head and as your eyes adjusted to the light, you saw Vlaakith herself in front of you. And, as soon as you look at her, she yells "Can you hear me?"

After a moment, you reply, 'Yes?'

Then she yells back at you, "I've heard you won over 9 fights at the loyalist school you were attending. Then I heard that other students were planning on killing you during the final test to kill a Mind Flayer.. That is why I had you snuck out before today's test, your fellow enemies will think you're a coward and snuck out before you'd probably get killed by the Mind Flayer.. I want you to prove them wrong. My intelligence network has informed me that there is a Mind Flayer that has gone to the world named 'Krynn'. I want you to go there, seek out this Mind Flayer, and bring back its windpipe. It's a device right below their stupidly large brains."

And with that, she brings out a large disk shaped bone from her pocket and throws the bone in front of you to examine.

"That is what I'm talking about! Cut that out of the Mind Flayer and bring it back from Krynn! If you do this I will then award you a high position in my council. And I promise you it will be a much higher position than your old classmates! At that level you can order them to do whatever you want..."

As she says her last words, you start to think about specifically the ones in your class that really didn't like you. Some of the brothers and sisters of the classmates you killed first come to mind..

She then walks you to a portal gate. "Go through that portal and you will find yourself in the world of Krynn. The other sentients there are not as strong and are much more stupid than us, so this mission I'm sending you on should be easy. Now GO!"

Once your character went through the portal, your entered a completely different world. In which you didn't understand any of the languages and culture. After a few weeks of starving and trying to learn how to survive you were put into a jail after stealing some food. That is when you met Isprin Greenshield. He helped get you out of jail and learn a couple of common languages. As well as some sword skills and sailing. You haven't seen him for a number of years.

Sorweel's Back Story

Sorweel - Human, Sorcerer

Your character comes from the plains of Abanasinia, which includes several peaceful communities that dot the region. This includes Solace, a village built among the branch of a towering Vallenwood trees. In recent years, the theocratic Seekers have risen to power in the region. The power hunger religion controls the city of Haven and surrounding settlements in the name of a vague, fickle deities who condemn the use of magic.

When you fairly young, a friend has informed the Seekers of your special ability. Because of that, you have been on the run, hiding from Seekers and traveling North. Changing your hairstyle and clothing as you traveled. During this travel you made friends with a fellow traveler named Ispin Greenshield. Ispin being a good-natured human adventure from Solamnia. Ispin helped keep you hidden from the Seekers, teaching you a lot about the world and other parts of Krynn. Once you found a safe location in the city of Elkholm, Solamnia, Ispin then moved on, you haven't seen him for over a year.

Human Sorcerer, LE

Eric rolled a '4' in regard to his relationship with Ispin.

Bolgur's Back Story

Mountain Dwarf, Fighter

BolgurBolgurson was borned and raised in the city of Thorbardin, which  is a dwarven nation located in southwestern Ansalon and is bordered by the nations of Qualinesti to the north, Plains of Dust to the east, and Kharolis to the south.

As a young lad you learned the skill of the axe. Then as you heard tails of armies outside of Thorbadin fighting, you were swept up in the recruitment of the war. In which you, and hundreds of your other fellow dwarfs went to the outside lands to help fight against the dragon armies.

But then during this time, you learned the hard truth of war. In which you spend 99% of your time marching through rain, mud, and freezing winds. After spending months traveling through the Plains of Dust with your fellow dwarves, your company is attacked in middle of the night. It was a sneak attack, in which flying dragons engulfed your encampment with fire, ice, and poisonous slime..

You and your best friend, Bronzebuckle, were far from the base on a recon mission. So once you started hearing an attack on your base you ran back as quickly as your little legs could provide to you. Taking about a full hour to get back, once you came over the hill that the base was up against you saw that no one was left alive. You thoughts immediately suspecting Dark Dwarves, or some stupid Gilly Dwarf had provided the enemy of your base location...

The trek back to Thorbardin was a long one, but fortunately you were able to get a large amount of provisions from the base camp. In which you and Bronzebuckle found a Bag of Holding, and you stuffed hundreds rations into it. Pretty anything you may need for travel back that could fit into the bag.

On your way back to Thorbardin you made friends with a human fighter, named Ispin Greenshield. He knew the plains really well, and helped guide both you and Bronzebuckle back to Thorbardin. During that time you all became good friends, often spending the evenings with Ispin giving an interesting story of far off lands that he had traveled through.

Then one day a group of goblins attack you three. The fight was very deadly, in which both you and Bronzebuckle went unconscious from your wounds. Then after what felt like hours you woke up, with Ispin crying. He then tells you that he only had one potion of healing. And he chose you over Bronzebuckle.. Which makes him sob even more, because he had to decide who would live and who would die. A decision he knows will haunt him for the rest of his life.

FYI, here are some other notes

The dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin encompasses three hundred square miles beneath Cloudseeker Mountain. There are six distinct clans, and cities, of dwarves who live here. Although each city seems distinct from one another, all were laid out in an orderly fashion. A traveler could go into any city in any part and know where to find homes, shops and businesses on any level.

Mountain Dwarfs are one of the types of Dwarves found on Krynn. These dwarves prefer to live underground, rather than above like their Hill Dwarf cousins. They feel secure within their homes built of rock and some will feel vulnerable and exposed upon entering the outside world. They also consider themselves self-sufficient, other calling this dwarven stubbornness, and will reject the presence of others.

Calem's Back Story

Pallid Elf, Twilight Cleric

Calem Lomelinde grew up in the country of Silvanesti. Being part of a Nobel family that lived in a large estate, right outside the Tower Silvanost. Having grown up with tutors, and spending a lot of time going to formal parties and ceremonies in the Tower. Here you would see the king of Silvanesti, the Speaker of Stars, many times.

During this time, your childhood was a wonderful experience. Your family loved you very much and you had good friends. But then at times you would hear other kids of your age make very rude remarks about the other races, in which nationalism and hatred would pour from their mouths. These comments at first felt wrong, and then through time you would struggle to understand if what they were saying was right? or wrong..

During this time a human traveler, named Ispin Greenshield, visited your homeland. He brought with him goods and stories from far-off lands. He taught you much about the world. You learned from him that other races, and other parts of the world are not evil or corrupt. That the opinions of many Silvanesti Elves were wrong. That even devout worshipers of Solinari shared these same beliefs. Making your now understand why so many Elves left Silvanesti and formed their own country, Qualinesti. Which you someday want to visit and spend some time to learn the ways of your fellow Elves to the west.

It has been a number of years since you had seen Ispin.

Colem is a Pallid Elf, Twilight Cleric, who worships the Krynn God Solinari. His background is an acolyte for the temple.

Rob rolled a '4' in regard to his relationship with Ispin.

Final Battle At Vogler

 The party has final battle! dragon is actually a construct! but wait! There's more!