Monday, January 16, 2023

Bolgur's Back Story

Mountain Dwarf, Fighter

BolgurBolgurson was borned and raised in the city of Thorbardin, which  is a dwarven nation located in southwestern Ansalon and is bordered by the nations of Qualinesti to the north, Plains of Dust to the east, and Kharolis to the south.

As a young lad you learned the skill of the axe. Then as you heard tails of armies outside of Thorbadin fighting, you were swept up in the recruitment of the war. In which you, and hundreds of your other fellow dwarfs went to the outside lands to help fight against the dragon armies.

But then during this time, you learned the hard truth of war. In which you spend 99% of your time marching through rain, mud, and freezing winds. After spending months traveling through the Plains of Dust with your fellow dwarves, your company is attacked in middle of the night. It was a sneak attack, in which flying dragons engulfed your encampment with fire, ice, and poisonous slime..

You and your best friend, Bronzebuckle, were far from the base on a recon mission. So once you started hearing an attack on your base you ran back as quickly as your little legs could provide to you. Taking about a full hour to get back, once you came over the hill that the base was up against you saw that no one was left alive. You thoughts immediately suspecting Dark Dwarves, or some stupid Gilly Dwarf had provided the enemy of your base location...

The trek back to Thorbardin was a long one, but fortunately you were able to get a large amount of provisions from the base camp. In which you and Bronzebuckle found a Bag of Holding, and you stuffed hundreds rations into it. Pretty anything you may need for travel back that could fit into the bag.

On your way back to Thorbardin you made friends with a human fighter, named Ispin Greenshield. He knew the plains really well, and helped guide both you and Bronzebuckle back to Thorbardin. During that time you all became good friends, often spending the evenings with Ispin giving an interesting story of far off lands that he had traveled through.

Then one day a group of goblins attack you three. The fight was very deadly, in which both you and Bronzebuckle went unconscious from your wounds. Then after what felt like hours you woke up, with Ispin crying. He then tells you that he only had one potion of healing. And he chose you over Bronzebuckle.. Which makes him sob even more, because he had to decide who would live and who would die. A decision he knows will haunt him for the rest of his life.

FYI, here are some other notes

The dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin encompasses three hundred square miles beneath Cloudseeker Mountain. There are six distinct clans, and cities, of dwarves who live here. Although each city seems distinct from one another, all were laid out in an orderly fashion. A traveler could go into any city in any part and know where to find homes, shops and businesses on any level.

Mountain Dwarfs are one of the types of Dwarves found on Krynn. These dwarves prefer to live underground, rather than above like their Hill Dwarf cousins. They feel secure within their homes built of rock and some will feel vulnerable and exposed upon entering the outside world. They also consider themselves self-sufficient, other calling this dwarven stubbornness, and will reject the presence of others.

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