Monday, January 16, 2023

Calem's Back Story

Pallid Elf, Twilight Cleric

Calem Lomelinde grew up in the country of Silvanesti. Being part of a Nobel family that lived in a large estate, right outside the Tower Silvanost. Having grown up with tutors, and spending a lot of time going to formal parties and ceremonies in the Tower. Here you would see the king of Silvanesti, the Speaker of Stars, many times.

During this time, your childhood was a wonderful experience. Your family loved you very much and you had good friends. But then at times you would hear other kids of your age make very rude remarks about the other races, in which nationalism and hatred would pour from their mouths. These comments at first felt wrong, and then through time you would struggle to understand if what they were saying was right? or wrong..

During this time a human traveler, named Ispin Greenshield, visited your homeland. He brought with him goods and stories from far-off lands. He taught you much about the world. You learned from him that other races, and other parts of the world are not evil or corrupt. That the opinions of many Silvanesti Elves were wrong. That even devout worshipers of Solinari shared these same beliefs. Making your now understand why so many Elves left Silvanesti and formed their own country, Qualinesti. Which you someday want to visit and spend some time to learn the ways of your fellow Elves to the west.

It has been a number of years since you had seen Ispin.

Colem is a Pallid Elf, Twilight Cleric, who worships the Krynn God Solinari. His background is an acolyte for the temple.

Rob rolled a '4' in regard to his relationship with Ispin.

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