Thursday, February 23, 2023

Volger is Invaded

 Sorweel is at Thornwall Keep, and see's Cudgel and Becklin depart Vogler to go help defend the Ironclad Regiment. As they depart Sorweel see's hundreds of lizard-folk approach the cliffs that surround Vogler's northern border. Then they start to glide down from the cliff's on their wings these scaled creatures have.

Fellow knights on the keep start to shout, we're being overwhelmed! Everyone to the wharf! Sorweel goes to the city center with the guards and start to see combat all around him.

Then finally the party gets together and starts to help defend the remaining villagers that are racing to the docks. As they defeat odd looking lizard men, they heard loud clanking sounds approaching!?!

Here is this video Sorweel casts Dagger Cloud!

Then the party gets to the docks and see's a dragon! Will they defeat the dragon? Will they simply run to the boats and avoid the dragon? In the next game session we will find out!

Dragon at the docks of Vogler!

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Final Battle At Vogler

 The party has final battle! dragon is actually a construct! but wait! There's more!