Monday, January 16, 2023

Sorweel's Back Story

Sorweel - Human, Sorcerer

Your character comes from the plains of Abanasinia, which includes several peaceful communities that dot the region. This includes Solace, a village built among the branch of a towering Vallenwood trees. In recent years, the theocratic Seekers have risen to power in the region. The power hunger religion controls the city of Haven and surrounding settlements in the name of a vague, fickle deities who condemn the use of magic.

When you fairly young, a friend has informed the Seekers of your special ability. Because of that, you have been on the run, hiding from Seekers and traveling North. Changing your hairstyle and clothing as you traveled. During this travel you made friends with a fellow traveler named Ispin Greenshield. Ispin being a good-natured human adventure from Solamnia. Ispin helped keep you hidden from the Seekers, teaching you a lot about the world and other parts of Krynn. Once you found a safe location in the city of Elkholm, Solamnia, Ispin then moved on, you haven't seen him for over a year.

Human Sorcerer, LE

Eric rolled a '4' in regard to his relationship with Ispin.

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 The party has final battle! dragon is actually a construct! but wait! There's more!