Thursday, February 9, 2023

Battle of High Hill

At the peak of the annual Kingfisher Festival, the party goes with the villagers and Cudgel's mercenaries up to High Hill to re-enact the battle of High Hill. About a 2 mile trek outside of town. Everyone is excited to celebrate the final activity to celebrate the end of the festival!

There Mayor Raven tells the participants to use only wooden swords, no real weapons. Personally making sure each participant are equipped.

During the re-enactment, Perceval realizes too late that the battle is an actual fight with real weapons! A large melee has begone! Perceval, Sorweel, and Davos fight 3 mounted mercenaries.

The 'real' battle of High Hill has begun!

Then after defeating the trio, the leader of the mercenary defectors, a Half-Ogre, comes out of the wood work and fights them as well!

The leader of the rogue mercenaries fights the party!

Now the party is going back to Volger... With just a handful of Volger militia and the remaining mercenaries that were not part of the revolt. Why did some of the mercenaries betray Cudgel and kill their own regiment? Why kill innocent villagers?


Total 511 gp total
14 spears - 7 gp total
14 suites of chainmail - 31 gp each - 434 gp total
14 shields - 5 gp each - 70 gp total

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Final Battle At Vogler

 The party has final battle! dragon is actually a construct! but wait! There's more!