Thursday, February 23, 2023

Volger is Invaded

 Sorweel is at Thornwall Keep, and see's Cudgel and Becklin depart Vogler to go help defend the Ironclad Regiment. As they depart Sorweel see's hundreds of lizard-folk approach the cliffs that surround Vogler's northern border. Then they start to glide down from the cliff's on their wings these scaled creatures have.

Fellow knights on the keep start to shout, we're being overwhelmed! Everyone to the wharf! Sorweel goes to the city center with the guards and start to see combat all around him.

Then finally the party gets together and starts to help defend the remaining villagers that are racing to the docks. As they defeat odd looking lizard men, they heard loud clanking sounds approaching!?!

Here is this video Sorweel casts Dagger Cloud!

Then the party gets to the docks and see's a dragon! Will they defeat the dragon? Will they simply run to the boats and avoid the dragon? In the next game session we will find out!

Dragon at the docks of Vogler!

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Preparing Vogler for War

The party escorts the villagers of Vogler from High Hill back down to city center. Helping the wounded and others who are crying with comfort. Davos helps ensure the bodies of mercenaries and villagers a like are emptied of their armor and weapons, as fellow villagers look awestruck to see their family members getting looted of their belongings.

 After speaking with Raven, Becklin, and Cudgel, the party helps get villagers onto boats. Calem and Davos play critical roles getting villagers onto boats, as they come up with some pretty good ideas of how to fit 100's of villages onto small boats..

Calem and Davos both notice the younger and older Bakaris family getting onto what appears to be their own private boat. Which is practically empty and could hold at least 30 or 40 people that are waiting for transport at the docks...

Bakaris The Younger

Lord Bakaris

Percival is in the town square, helping the wounded and emotionally traumatized feel better and help direct them to the wharf.

Sorweel goes up to the Thornwall Keep to try to convince Becklin to leave the city as well. But she has a lot on her mind, things she doesn't feel comfortable telling Sorweel about. Sorweel discusses with Than his gnome gadgets, specifically his 'body thrower' and the catchy-cans, backpacks filled with balloons.

As Becklin and Cudgel ride horses out of town, Sorweel sees the lizard folk flying down the cliffs to take over Vogler! The village is now officially under attack!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Battle of High Hill

At the peak of the annual Kingfisher Festival, the party goes with the villagers and Cudgel's mercenaries up to High Hill to re-enact the battle of High Hill. About a 2 mile trek outside of town. Everyone is excited to celebrate the final activity to celebrate the end of the festival!

There Mayor Raven tells the participants to use only wooden swords, no real weapons. Personally making sure each participant are equipped.

During the re-enactment, Perceval realizes too late that the battle is an actual fight with real weapons! A large melee has begone! Perceval, Sorweel, and Davos fight 3 mounted mercenaries.

The 'real' battle of High Hill has begun!

Then after defeating the trio, the leader of the mercenary defectors, a Half-Ogre, comes out of the wood work and fights them as well!

The leader of the rogue mercenaries fights the party!

Now the party is going back to Volger... With just a handful of Volger militia and the remaining mercenaries that were not part of the revolt. Why did some of the mercenaries betray Cudgel and kill their own regiment? Why kill innocent villagers?


Total 511 gp total
14 spears - 7 gp total
14 suites of chainmail - 31 gp each - 434 gp total
14 shields - 5 gp each - 70 gp total

Percival Dumont, Human Bard and Squire of Solamnia

 Percival Dumont, Human Bard and Squire of Solamnia

Final Battle At Vogler

 The party has final battle! dragon is actually a construct! but wait! There's more!